
For 17 years, CJSC «Pharmacevt» has been a partner of the St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Charitable Foundation.

The foundation's mission is to provide targeted assistance to people in difficult situations.

The Foundation combines its efforts with the desire of people to do good so that children recover, families become stronger and happier, and lonely elderly people feel needed.

The Foundation implements a number of charitable programs:

  1. The «Deti kak deti» program - payment for rehabilitation courses and treatment for children with disabilities, provision of medicines and medical rehabilitation facilities.
  2. The «Territoriya Chuda» program provides support to pupils of child care centers and social rehabilitation centers for people with disabilities. Provision of basic necessities and medicines to institutions.
  3. The «Ya mama» program provides assistance to large and single–parent families who find themselves in a difficult life situation. The Foundation promotes the improvement of living conditions, purchases medicines, children's goods and basic necessities.
  4. The «Tochka opory» program supports single elderly people and adults with severe disabilities, as well as people in difficult situations. The Foundation helps in the purchase of medicines, medical equipment and payment for tests.
  5. Inclusive DIY workshops - pottery and candle making classes for young people with special needs. Finished products are sold on the project's website - - and at the city's markets. Workshop students receive a cash reward based on sales results.
  6. The system of non–medical rehabilitation for children with disabilities includes courses in the following areas: occupational therapy, art therapy, speech therapy correction, adaptive physical education, sensory integration, ABA therapy, behavioral correction. Every year, more than 70 children with mental and physical disabilities undergo rehabilitation courses free of charge.

Over 17 years, the foundation has provided assistance to more than 24,000 people.

More information about the foundation: